CANCELLED - Cromhall Road Safety Project Meeting (CRiSP)
Cromhall Village Hall
The Cromhall Road Safety Project is going from strength to strength as we work towards making the village a safer place to walk, ride and drive.
During December, the Community Speedwatch team carried out their first sessions to record the number of speeding drivers through the village. The information captured by the team is reported back to the Police who will contact repeat offenders.
Over two sessions, assessments carried out in 30mph areas recorded 24 speeding drivers. And those speeding drivers were doing around 40mph - 33% over the limit. Most of these drivers have been contacted by the Police. The percentage of speeding drivers recorded in Cromhall is around three times higher than the average found across the rest of the Avon and Somerset area.
We’re looking for more volunteers to join the Community Speedwatch Team. So, if you have an hour a month to spare and want to help make the village a safer place, contact Hannah by email below or on 07912 323382.
The group are also looking to purchase a fixed speed camera and are scoping out a number of different options. We meet monthly at Cromhall Village Hall. Join us next time on Thursday 9th February at 7pm to find out what we’ve been up to and for more information on how to get involved.