2pm: Cromhall Flower Show and Village Fayre
St Andrew's School, Cromhall
Cromhall Flower Show and Village Fayre is being held on Saturday 6th September at 2pm in St Andrew's School field.
It's an open show, so entries are welcome from neighbouring villages and further afield. There's a category for everyone, including home grown vegetables, fruit and flowers through to home cooking, crafts and photography.
Try your luck on the raffle and tombola, test your skill at skittles and the coconut shy and browse the stalls for crafts, produce and gifts.
Then when you're in need of refreshment, head to the tea tent for delicious cakes and biscuits or sample something from the barbecue, enjoy a local brew in the beer tent, or treat yourself to an ice cream.
Click below to see the 2025 class list.
The afternoon...
We are a small village school serving the community of Cromhall and the surrounding area.
Providing a happy, caring environment for your child to learn in is our priority.
Children, staff and parents work very hard to ensure that the school is an important part of the local community, and there will be lots of opportunities for you to become involved not only in your child's education but also in aspects of village life.
Post: St. Andrew's CE VC Primary School, Church Lane, Cromhall, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8AL
Tel: 01454 294498
Fax: 01454 294498
Web: www.standrewsschoolcromhall.org.uk
You can now take your pre-loved clothes to a recycling bank at Cromhall's St. Andrew's School.
The bank accepts a wide range of clothes and accessories:
Please take your unwanted items to the recycling bank to help raise funds for St. Andrew's School.
For old photographs and other items relating to the school, have a look in the Cromhall Archive.
Detail of plaques on the front of the school building:
"He saith unto him Feed My Lambs"
St.John Ch.XXV V.XV
This School was built A.D.MDCCCXLIV
W.J.Copleston MA
Train up a Child in the Way he Should Go & when he is Old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs Ch.XXII V.VI