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1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

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How to contact 1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

If you would like your daughter to join Brownies, please register at www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus.

If you would like to become an adult helper please register your interest at www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested.

For enquiries regarding 1st Falfield and Stone Brownies phone 01454 413759 or email .

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Who are Girlguiding UK?

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK.

Thanks to the dedication and support of 100,000 amazing volunteers, we are active in every part of the UK, giving girls and young women a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and their communities.

We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations.

We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good.

Who are Brownies?

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

Any girl aged seven or over can be a Brownie. The oldest Brownies are usually about ten years old.

Membership is voluntary and is open to any girl, regardless of faith, race, culture, nationality or any other circumstance, provided she is able to understand and willing to make the Promise:

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

I promise that I will do my best:
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs,
To serve the Queen and my community,
To help other people
To keep the (Brownie) Guide Law.

The Brownie Guide Law

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.

The Brownie Guide Motto

Lend A Hand

What do Brownies do?

Brownies have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best! Their meetings are action-packed and full of games, activities and challenges.

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

They can also work for a wide range of interest badges. Everything a Brownie does is an adventure – it's a world of excitement, new interests and friends.

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies meet regularly, usually once a week during school terms. The Pack is made up of small groups called Sixes. This gives each girl a group of ready-made friends to take care of her. It also makes her feel she belongs to something special.

There are often other opportunities for Brownies to take part in special activities and events throughout the year.

Click here to download a report on our past activities [.pdf]

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies' History

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies have been a lively and active unit since 1996 when the unit was reopened.

We have Brownies from a wide area, from Stone, Rockhampton, Cromhall, Charfield to Thornbury.

It is not a requirement for girls to come from Falfield and Stone villages to join.


Brownie uniform

A Brownie chooses her outfit from a range of Brownie wear - she does not have to wear the same combination of garments as others in her Pack.

The specially designed Brownie clothes are stylish, practical, economical and fun for today's girls.

There is something to suit every Brownie whatever she is doing, indoors or out - so she is bound to find something she will love to wear.

The Leadership Team

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

The leadership team is made up of people with different skills and different duties.

Brown Owl (Jane) is the Guider, Tawny Owl (Steph) and Striped Owl (Gina) are the Assistant Guiders all three are qualified Guiders and have made their promise.

We also have Snowy Owl (Gill) who is our Unit Helper, Spotted Owl (Naomi) and Long Eared Owl (Rebekah) who are our Young Leaders. Little Owl (Christina) has gone off to uni but visits us when she is back home.

Brownies' Corner

Why we enjoy Brownies:

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

"I really enjoy Brownies because I love helping people and learning new skills. I like meeting new friends. I enjoyed doing my hostess badge because it really showed how I can be helpful. I would like to do my booklover and computer badge next." Imogen, aged 9

"Brownies is a fun place because we go on a lot of trips and we do a lot of fun games. The team teach me a lot of things that I can use in my everyday life. We do badges, art and other interesting tasks. This is why you should come and join the fun and games." Lucy, aged 8

"What I like best about Brownies is meeting new friends and having fun and joining in with things. I like being in one of the biggest clubs in the country!" Heather

"My name is Emily, and I enjoy Brownies because we play lots of games and do crafts often such as tye dye. Brown Owl and her team are really funny and patient and teach us life skills. We also go on outgoings which are like adventures to me. I love brownies. WHY DON’T YOU JOIN?!"

"I enjoy Brownies because we play excellent games like Bingo, arts and crafts, Tie Die and many more also I love making friends because they share and we always have lots of fun. BROWNIES IS THE BEST!" Tianna, aged 7

"I enjoy Brownies because we play great games that are really fun. We meet new people and they always make you feel welcome. We arrange fantastic days to go out some are adventure and others are indoor. We do lots of arts and crafts for decorations and to take home. Brown Owl is a great leader and she is especially good at organising outstanding parties that are never thumbs down. Brownies is the best and I love it all, thank you, Morgan"


1st Falfield and Stone Brownies

Brownies - Girls aged 7–10

Brown Owl – Guider in charge of a Brownie Unit. Her assistants may be called Tawny or Snowy Owl

Brownie Pack - Traditional name for Brownie Guide Unit

Guides - Girls aged 10-14

Promise – All Guides throughout the world make a promise. Each county has a different promise to their God, county and the Guide Law. A girl is awarded a Promise Badge at her Promise Ceremony.

Second – Assistant to Sixer

Sixer – Leader of a small group of girls called a six

Units – Term used for any section group for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides etc.

Young Leader - A member of any Senior Section (aged 14-26) who assists Guiders in the Unit

Leader - Leader - In Girlguiding, a Leader is a member who has achieved the Leadership Qualification and who has an active role with girls in a unit.

WAGGGS - The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. It is a voluntary worldwide movement, open to all girls and young women, based on spiritual values and a commitment to peace and international understanding.

We Discover, We Grow - Our strapline is an example of our brand proposition ‘we are, we can, we do’ in action. It captures what we offer our members – an opportunity to discover and try new things in order to grow and reach their potential.

See also...

1st Woodend Scouts
A website for Brownies
A website for Parents

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